株式会社 博展



Name Hakuten Corporation
Head office location 20F, Tokyo Square Garden, 3-1-1 Kyobashi, Chuo‑ku, Tokyo, 104-0031 Japan TEL : +81-3-6821-8910
West-Japan office ORIX Koraibashi Building 5F, 2-7, Koraibashi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka, 541-0043 Japan
Central-Japan office NADYA PARK Business Center Building F21, 18-1, Sakae 3-chome, Naka-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Pref., 460-0008 Japan
Representatives Representative Director and CEO Tokuhisa Taguch
Representative Director, President and COO Atsushi Harada
Commencement of operations 1967
Founded 1970
Capital Stock ¥239.70 million (as of the end of December, 2024)
Net Sales ¥18,845.43 million (as of the end of December, 2024)
Number of employees 473 (parent basis), 545 (consolidated basis) (as of the end of December, 2024)
Areas of business Working in the business area of “Experience Marketing”, we provide contact point communications development and total marketing solutions and support for global expansion.
Services Event Promotion (Product promotion, user events, and PR events)
Exhibitions (Domestic joint exhibitions, all types of academic-corporate events, and overseas events)
Business Meetings and Private Shows (Company sponsored business events, new product launch exhibitions, company anniversary exhibitions, joint exhibitions, and recruiting and education fairs)
Conferences and Conventions (Roadshows, meeting events, large-scale conferences and ceremonies)
Commercial spaces (Showrooms, retail stores, office design, apartment galleries, pop-up shops, and promotional furniture)
Digital Marketing and Contents (Web marketing, social media marketing, database marketing and event-related digital contents)
Business sectors of customers IT, communications, precision engineering, machinery, electricity, food, toy, and fashion companies, government agencies
Listing Tokyo Stock Exchange JASDAQ Growth
License/Registration Special Construction License: Tokyo Metropolitan Governor, License No. Special 31-114162 Construction engineering, Roof work, Steel construction, Carpentry, Tile/Brick/Block work, and Interior finishing First Class Architectural Office: Tokyo Metropolitan
Governor, Registration No. 62697
Certification Privacy Mark: No. 10862113(06)
Group company Digital Experience, Inc. (Providing IT solutions in the event domain)
NICHINAN Co., Ltd. (Planning, design, and construction of exhibitions, commercial facilities, amusement facilities, etc.)
HIRAMIYA Co.,Ltd.(Manufacture of fixtures and decorations for commercial facilities)

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